The motivation for this project lies in the deep connection between induction and compression.


There is a strict mathematical sense in which generative models may be viewed as compressors. Any model able to compress so well would also possess the ability to perform a significant level of logical induction. The goal of this project is to investigate further the compression capabilities of generative models.


I’ve made a short primer gently introducing compression in the following slides. This might be useful to anyone only interested in the TLDR of this page.

There is also a wonderful introduction to Solomonoff Induction by Eliezer Yudkowsky in the style of an A-B dialogue. I highly recommend it for all.

Compression Primer Slides


Mathematical Background

We place ourselves in a situation familiar to any machine learning model undergoing training: given some observed data, come up with a prediction method or theory that is both (1) consistent with the observations and (2) as perfect a predictor as possible on future instances.

Before stating any theorems, we provide a quick glossary:

Fact 1: There exists a universal prior distribution.

This fact is one of the key reasons Solomonoff Induction is even possible. For any other (computable) priori distribution $P$ one might place on the set of consistent hypotheses to the observed data, this universal prior distribution $\mathbf{M}$ has the property that there is some multiplicative constant $\alpha > 0$ such that for any hypothesis $H$ and observed data $D$,

$$ \mathbf{M}(H \mid D) > \alpha \cdot P(H \mid D). $$